Saturday, December 21, 2013


Okay, I want to vent something on here. I don't give a hoot if you think I'm being mean for what I say on here. I've been so frustrated for the past two years since I got pregnant with my son. The reason is religion and the people who practice it. I'm a former church goer and what you would consider as "lost" from God. I mean, I still believe in Jesus and know he's the real deal but really, it's the so called Christians that I have a problem with. I lost so many friends because they judged and banished me as a friend for having a kid out of wedlock. That was the most hurtful thing I've ever gone through and I still haven't forgiven them for that. It's been hard for me to trust churches since then and I'm constantly bashed for supporting liberal views on gay marriage, abortions, helping poor people have health insurance, and etc. I have my own reasons for my choice of politics. I have gay friends who I love dearly and want to see them have the right to get married like I did to marry my husband. I'm a rape victim and used the morning after pill because I didn't want to give birth to a monster's baby and believe abortions are best for women when they're in that kind of situation. I'm disabled and receive social security benefits so bash me all you want. I made that choice so I would stay afloat and I don't make enough at my job to help my husband pay bills. I don't support wars at all because I lost a friend to one and it became real to me that war does suck. I'm sorry that I suck to you as a person because I think differently from you. I learned that God wants us to love each other no matter what and I would never force my beliefs on anybody. It's not fair of anyone to tell me that I'm wrong for what I choose to believe and support. I might not agree with your conservative views and I keep my religious beliefs to myself but I love you and wish that you would respect me when I try to explain why I'm the way I am without you throwing the Bible at me. That's why I tried to avoid sharing my political and religious opinions on Facebook a lot because it was making people delete me. I see your posts but just hide them or scroll past them and yet, I see you disappear because you hate my posts and delete me. This year has been a crazy one in my opinion. People fought over Chick-Fil-A and Hobby Lobby. I don't agree with their choices but it doesn't stop me from going to their places. I love chicken and crafts. And now this Duck Dynasty mess has crossed the line for me because I say one thing and next thing I know, a life long friend gets angry at me for defending gay people. I was hurt and told him that I respected him for his choices but he had no right to get angry and be rude to me for that. I choose not to watch the show because it's not my type of show and I'm not a redneck. I don't agree with what Phil Robertson said and it's his right to say whatever he wants but people, do you really have to bash those who don't agree with him? Politics and religion has ruined many many friendships I had with people and I'm getting tired of it. I'm tired of being told I'm a sinner for my life choices. The reality is that we all are sinners and not perfect so accept it and I ask y'all to treat each other like you would like to be treated. Well that's the end of my rant so you have the choice whether you want to keep me as a friend or not. Have a Merry Christmas and please keep your quacks about Duck Dynasty quiet and I will keep mine to myself. :) 

One more thing....

That's what I wish for all of us to have someday without wanting to kill each other.


  1. I read your blog - I am TOTALLY with you, Amanda. THEY are HYPOCRITES, period. Yeah, me bad - I judge them but remember they judge me in the worse way. They never stop amazing me how much they say about me. Clearly, they failed to understand the Bible, period. I have so much things to say to them but it's NOT worth trying. They will never never never never learn their mistakes and they will do again, again, again, again. They fail to understand the Jesus's command - "Forgive and Forget." They did forgive but they failed to forget and MOVE ON. They whimper, complain, judge, condemn, point, and so on.

    That's why I will not able to forgive them. Will not. They failed to understand, "Love your neighbor as yourself" They did not get that in their heads.

    "Love the sinner, and hate sin" they will never understand that phrase -- you know why? Judging is a sin. Gossiping is a sin. Spreading the lies is a sin. Jealously is a sin. Lying is a sin. Stabbing in the back is a sin. Blaming others is a sin. More sins they do will always be sinners. They forget that THEY ARE SINNERS. Now, they are playing, "Exceptionalism." They are FULL OF CRAPS!! They think they are excused from the "sins." They think that sins apply to certain sinners. Again, they need to read the damn Bible that THEY ARE SINNERS, too.

    So, therefore I say to summorize it up together, I love those sinners and hate sin. They are sinning against themselves for spreading the lies, for lying, for gossiping, for spreading rumors, for judging, condemning people with no moral/values -- they failed to look at the mirrors, they need to look at themselves, they have sins!! Period. Period.

    Now, they are playing "Holy Than Thou." They think they are better than you and me. For your information, they are FULL OF CRAPS. They hardly follow what the Bible says:

    Love your neighhors as yourself.
    Do treat them as you wanted to be treated.
    Be honest with others as yourself.
    Be considersate.
    Be grateful.
    Be a good example helping the poor.
    Spread the love and gospel of God to people.
    Stand up for the humanity.
    Oh boy, do I need to continue listing this here...

    All they do is contradict everything.

    Amanda, I love you my sister in Christ. You are always my amazing friend. I am so proud to be your friend. I love watching you guys -- Aiden and John growing together, making a family stronger.

    FUCK them! Yeah, I say it loudly -- FUCK THEM!!
    They are full of craps. HYPOCRITES!!!

    Okay, Stepping down off a soapbox.
    Love you, Amanda.
    Be strong!!!

  2. ooooh, for the last time -- If they saw my comment and show others. I know, I know, and I know that they are taking this to show them what I say. I'd say, "Make my day!!" They, Christians, always judged me horribly before, even today and tomorrow -- Nothing new about them.

    They will spread lies, gossiping, lying, stabbing my back, judge me, and so on -- they forget that THEY ARE SINNERS TOO.

    I am so tired of their craps. I let them go because I have better things to do. I am happy WITHOUT THEM. I don't need them. You don't need them. You are happy without them. Aiden, John and your family will keep you busy, and be grateful with your new job. Be glad all times.

    Trust me, there are plenty wonderful Christians in other places that you want to hang out with. Go and make new friends with those true Christians -- probably a different church.

    For me... I will not step in any church because I lost my faith. I no longer trust in those people. I left the christianity. I am on a journey to find a wonderful healthy religion that reflects my life, my character, my personality and my thoughts. I am strongly believing in Love. Love should be somewhere out there where is full of laughter, joy, appreciation, celebration -- thanking God for the wonderful things we receive and give the joy to others.

    Peace and Love!
