Monday, November 5, 2012

A Split America

As we know it, Election Day is tomorrow and it's been agonizing for me when I see people fighting on Facebook constantly over politics. I'm going to tell you a secret: I haven't voted. Surprising, isn't it? Just because I have liberal views doesn't mean I'm gonna dance my way to the voting poll and check the box for Obama. I thought about this for a long time and it was hard for me. I voted for Obama four years ago believing that he would actually change things and make them better for us. Yes, he did end the war in Iraq and did a few good things but at the same time, I'm disappointed. Unemployment rate is still bad and we have a real high debt. And I got a real bad feeling about Obama. While he might seem charming on the outside, I see something inside him that bothers me. I see pictures of him disrespecting the American flag by not placing his hand on his chest and the whole Libya coverup scandal has opened my eyes. He seems to not care about the true meaning of being a proud American and defending us. I don't want a president who ignores the American flag and his country people. You might disagreed with me but it's just my instincts telling me that there's something wrong about this picture about Obama. Hard to explain. If I could pick anyone over him, I would go for Hilary Clinton but unfortunately, I don't think she's going to run again.

And if you're wondering that I decided to vote for Romney. You're wrong again. I hate him. He wants to take women's rights and equal pay rights away. He wants to set our country back to the 1950s and have us become freaking housewives. He also doesn't believe in gay marriage which I do. I know some of you would hate me for believing in that. I have several friends who are gay and lesbians and they're wonderful people. It seems unfair that I get to be married and they don't. I wish they could have a legal marriage and be viewed equally. I believe that Romney doesn't really care about what he calls the 47% which are some of us. I'm part of the 47% because I'm on disability benefits and don't work right now. I don't expect you to sympathize me for that. I didn't ask to be deaf and struggle to find a good paying job without being discriminated. I'm a full time mom taking care of my son and trying to make ends meet by making crafts and cards to sell so I can make extra money. If I were to meet Romney, I'm sure he would look down at me and think I'm lazy and relying on government money. Pretty pathetic, isn't it?

So you can see why I don't like both of them. That's why I decided that for the first time in 8 years, I'm not going to vote. Why vote for people you don't like or trust? And if you tell me to vote for the 3rd party, I won't. I know nothing about the other parties than democratic and republican. What's the point of voting? Both aren't right leaders for us and whoever wins, we are screwed either way. Now I've said enough and all I can do is hope that our country bounces back from a bad economic time and have changes made to get better. And if I keep seeing people complaining about whoever wins this election on Facebook, I'm going to delete the posts. We have to move on and keep hoping for the best. We are split as a nation and need to unite again.

May God Bless America....


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