As for the baby stuff needed for when Aiden is here, I have almost everything but still have a few things left. Things need to be put up in the nursery and I need to order a special baby monitor for myself so it can alert me at night when Aiden is crying. This alarm has a light flasher and a bed vibrator. I do have another monitor that's for John mostly to hear his cries and that monitor has a light vibrator I can carry around with me during the day. I have quite a big challenge ahead of me as a deaf mother but I can do it. Oh, you should see the nursery! It looks great so far with walls painted in red, blue, and white. The theme is Texas Rangers/baseball. I have some wall decors like pictures of Ranger baseball players and a little Louisville slugger bat to go on the wall. Can't wait to see how it turns out when completed. :)
Some of you might know that my son's middle name will be named after my friend, Troy, who lost his life in Iraq 5 years and half ago. Last night I was sitting in the nursery by myself when I started thinking of Troy and talked to him as if he was in the room with me. I told him how much I missed him and wished that he would be here to see Aiden. Then I asked him to show me a blue camaro. You're all probably wondering why I asked that. When he was alive, he drove this 1987 blue camaro which he loved so much and it was his fave car. And when he died, I visited his grave two weeks after his funeral to pay my respects. During the visit, I asked him to appear to me as a blue camaro to let me know he was saying hello and with me. Over the years, I would see blue camaros almost every year on my birthday like he was wishing me a happy birthday or whenever I was going through hard times, I would see one and know he was reassuring me that things would get better. Last night, I asked him to show me a blue camaro to let me know if he was listening and would watch over Aiden. The next day(today), I was pulling out when I saw a blue camaro go by me. I smiled and cried. I knew he had listened and was going to watch over my son. It meant a lot to me seeing that car. Thank you, Troy.
Well, there's a light at the end of the tunnel and I'm waiting to see it when Aiden comes. I can't wait to see what he looks like and what kind of personality he will have. It's going to be an awesome experience being a mother and I'm looking forward to it. :D
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